Wednesday 8 May 2013

Chapter 1 ~~~ My first task ~~ ( thoughts and fears of my first ever blog )

      Creating my first ever new blog,. learning and exploring new things, with pictures, letters, colors, informations and techniques that i've never been experience before. It's going to be exciting.
      In the beggining, I actually thought that were going to do more of photographing and taking picture of things like nature and some sort of art picture that we have to study,and each one of us will be given this huge  proffesional camera. But Im surprised that we came in to this room and I kinda had this idea that, yes, we are going to do some computer thingy and I felt a bit down, but it's not really bad because my teacher explained everything and what are we suppose to do and expect in this subject. I'm pretty happy of this course nothing really much to worry about, and i feel much more confident now that we have an idea to what we should work on and my teacher is there to help us.
      I'm pretty thrilled and , I cant wait for the challenges that this course will give, I'm hoping it will be fun<3.

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